
2024-25 Orientation: Effective Boards & Relationships (202502)


6 credit hours. $225 (Billed to your board by AASB)

Part II of AASB's school board member orientation, Effective Boards and Relationships takes an in-depth look at effective school board leadership, how your board should work with its superintendent and board attorney, and the art of advocacy.

Note: The state requires board members to complete certain orientation courses at least once. By taking both parts of AASB’s orientation, members will meet this requirement.

Course Credits: Price: $225

  • Acknowledgment Statement
  • Section 1
  • Introduction
  • The Governance Act
  • Community Engagement
  • Student and School Performance
  • School Board Members as Advocates
  • Your Board Attorney
  • Course Completed
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever